Tuesday, 12 September 2017


One of my favourite things to do is urethral sounding. Those of you that know me already know that I teach classes in it.

The most important aspect being sterilization and safety.  If your going to insert something into your cock make sure it's clean. Any bacteria will give you a nasty painful infection. That will then result in a Doctor's appointment and a interesting rendition of what you were poking inside your cock. Please do use urethral sounds, penal plugs or other specially made instruments. Do not use a knitting needle, that pointed end can tear your skin. Also, I know the festive season is approaching. But, candy canes are a bad idea. They become sticky with moisture and stick to the skin plus your inserting all that nasty sugar that will produce a lovely yeast infection.

 A few basic questions I'm asked.

What size do I begin will. My recommendation is a Hagar 5.

Does it hurt. It shouldn't. Don't push it just let it slide on it's own. Sometimes guys say it stings if your using metal. In that case warm up the sound under the warm water to body temperature.

 Also use sterile lube. Make sure it's water based and individually wrapped. Once you open something it's no longer sterile. The main thing though is to have fun and see how big you can go.  The pictures are of me with the wonderful Miss Sissy K. She just eats up the entire length of my sounds.



  1. Ah, now here's a topic rarely discussed.Thanks. It is an interesting thing and Rosa and I treat it more like a very occasional alternative to a butt plug since our 'insertible' is made to be worn. I do find that it is not bad going in, but when worn I do find I prefer to do it when I can be naked or in very loose pants or whatever. Otherwise it tends to hurt. After a while, naked or not, it still gets painful though.

    I have never had any infections from this and am very meticulous with sterile procedure......but no matter what, after wearing one, and after it comes out.....WOW does it hurt to pee for a couple hours! Maybe I just have a sensitive urethra?

    1. I presume your using a penal plug. The reason they hurt on removal is the lack of lubrication if left in for a length of time . Any lube you put on will be absorbed after a short time. That will cause drag on its removal since the urethra has no natural lubrication. That will cause some skin to scrap and that causes the sting when you pee. When I was referring to pain I was referring more to insertion.

    2. That makes sense. Anyway, it's not something we do frequently.....but it does make for an interesting change of pace. Maybe the trick is to just shorten the time wearing it.

  2. Greetings from the UK. Good luck with your endeavours.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Thank you for following and for your gracious words Andrew

  3. I have always wanted to try this....

  4. Never seen this done before. Terrifying but I'm sure in your expert hands a heavenly experience
